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  • Yu Jianhua



    Professor, Deputy Director

    Yu Jianhua currently serves as professor and deputy director of the Institute of International Relations (IIR), Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS). He was director of the Institute of Eurasian Studies at SASS from 2009-2012.Dr. Yureceived a Ph. D.in political sciences from the College of Law &Political Science, East China Normal University (ECNU) in 2003,and earned MA Degree in History from Department of History, ECNU in 1988.He was a visiting scholar at Center for European Integration Studies, the University of Bonnand International Institute for Asian Studies, the Netherlands, respectively in 2007 and 2002.

    His research fields cover International Relations and World History, mainly in Issues in Middle East and Central Asia, Jewish Studies,Nationalism and Ethnic Confliction, International Energy Politics, Terrorism and International Security, etc. He is the author of the following academic works:On Evolution of Worlds Terrorism (Shanghai, 2015. Main Author, Editor in Chief),World Energy Politics and Chinas Energy International Cooperation (Changchun,2011.Main Author,Editorin Chief),On Non-traditional Security of Shanghai Cooperation Organization(Shanghai, 2009. Main Author, Editor in Chief),Studying on the National Question in Yugoslavia(Beijing,2004),From Silk Road to ASEM: the Relationship between Asia to Europe for 2000 Years ( Beijing, 2004. Co-author,Co-editor in chief),The Jews in China (Beijing, 2001.Associate Editor in Chief),AChronicle of World History (Shanghai,2001.AssociateEditor in Chief),The JewishCivilization (Beijing,1999.Co-author),Nationalism in the Twentieth Century(Shanghai,1999),The Revitalization of the Jewish People (Shanghai, 1998.Co-author), The Opening Door Policy in Asia, Africa and Latin America (Sichuan, 1992.Co-author),etc.




